Monday, November 23, 2009

Pipe Sticks - site-specific art

Pipe Sticks (2008) - interventive multimidia art
When a house art manager say: "You can do whatever you want, even break down the walls", it´s important to understand what he is really saying.
The couple from Blumenau city named aLexandre Venera and Juliana Teodoro with their Pipe Sticks work literally broke down the wall... The "sticks" went through the walls, connecting dark room to bright room. People were filmed in the bright room, while just people from the dark room could watch them. Even objects could be pushed through the pipes.
The couple attempted with this work to stimulate the cognitive sensation.
A little bit of the intervention can be seen below:

Pipe Sticks - site-specific art ::: Besc Art House - Blumenau

TRANSplanos / 4 clips + credits

TRANSplanos (2008) - Urban interference, suburban, rural and VJ
Between wild and civilized the project indicated (and required) its shape and
contents to be absorbed in 4+1 online clips (cineTube):::::
Tp 1/4 =

Tp 2/4 =

Tp 3/4 =

Tp 4/4 =

Tp 4/4 + 1 =

Monday, October 27, 2008

the tree has no choice / art process

the tree has no choice (2008-9) - aLexandre venera
(90 days)
diary experiment with model tree
in photographic decomposition
Photografy supporting
aLexandreVenera and Charles Steuck

Exhibition: december/2008 - march/2009
Elke Hering - Cultural Foundation of Blumenau

"More stuff soon"


VJ with images from TRANSplanos >>>> invasion blumenau >>>> monobands festival <<<< Poster art: Chuck Violence

coming SOON
two scenes (cineTube):::

VJ opioptic - some productions

DIVINE - ITAPEMA carnival (2006) - opioptic
3 nights "nonstop beat"
>>> first moment:::
>>> third moment:::
>>> fifth moment:::
>>> tenth moment:::

River of Crime (2006) - The Residents and OPIOPTIC

re-Metropolis X Potemkin (2005) - Visual and Music: aLe (true test)

Windows (visual poem)

Windows - Jualiana Teodoro about poem from Douglas Zunino
Created based on the poem named "Windows", this multimidia raises critics to the abandoned buildings in Blumenau center, deteriorating itself among burocracy and indifference.
From those broken windows we keep in mind what was saw and lived...
CineTube Film:::

>>> TRANSplanos (from the fore-project to the DVD)

TRANSplanos - interference all the time!!!!
a. fore-project:::

b. tp:::

c. tp:::

d. tp:::

x. tp:::

y. tp:::

z. arT to the Project´s dvd:::

ç. tp:::

ã. tp:::